School Sponsored Extracurricular Activities
Take a Stand – This club encourages students to interact positively with one another and to stand up to those who are treating others unfairly. Take A Stand hopes to foster a community spirit that is inclusive of everyone.
Beta Club – Sims Middle offers Beta clubs to 7th and 8th grade students who meet particular grade criteria. Invitations are given in the fall and students must maintain particular standards to remain in good standing.
SGA (Student Government Association) –
SGA is open to 8th grade students. Students complete an application during 7th grade and are selected to serve for their 8th grade year. SGA sponsors events throughout the year to encourage students to get involved in their school and community.
First Priority –
This club encourages students to interact positively with one another and share common Christian values. First Priority is open to all students.
Sims Stars Theater –
Sims Stars is a theater club. Membership is open to any student interested in taking part in the various aspects of theater including acting, sets, writing, etc. The goal of Sims Stars is not just to put on one production each year, but to help students become more confident on and off stage.
Science Olympiad –
This club is open to students of all grade levels who are interested in competing in the Science Olympiad competition. With so many events, any student willing to work hard can find a place. Science Olympiad is open to all students, but spots are limited.
Chess Club –Chess Club is open to any and all students. Club meetings are after school. All levels of chess experience are welcome.
Coding Club – Basic introduction and overview to Java programming so students can write a Hello World program, The goal is for students to write a substitution cipher program that can be used to encrypt text and then do an analysis on the encrypted message to
decrypt it.
Math Team –
After School Dances
End of the year TripsSchool-Wide Events and Activities
Below are some of the School-Wide Events and Activities. More information to come.
Fun Day
Vendor Fair (former Spring Fling Vendor Showcase)