Volunteers Are Regularly Needed Throughout the Year
Below are a few regularly occurring volunteer opportunities. Please let us know if you are willing and able to help us out! We will provide more information as these opportunities become available.
- Health Screenings
- Picture Day
- Book Fair
- Thanksgiving Feast for faculty and staff
- Teacher Appreciation
- Sims Fun Day
- Vendor Fair
- Band Fundraisers
- Coupon Book Fundraisers
- Grading Papers
- Box Tops
- Chorus Fundraisers
- Art Department Fundraiser
Helping Hands/Grading PapersTeachers may request to have papers graded. A key with the answers will be provided. Papers to be graded will be multiple choice, fill in the blank, and/or true or false. Any essay questions will be graded by the individual teacher.
If you would like to volunteer to grade papers please contact Mrs. Kim Morel by sending her an e-mail to [email protected] . She will coordinate with you day and time.
Volunteers will be contacted and scheduled to commit a month at a time or a particular day of the week for a specific timeframe.